Below are our core values that we live by and encourage others to walk in. Core values are key to forming and driving culture and community. Our values are grounded in the Word of God, and are timeless throughout cultural history.
Love Well
We believe in the incredible love God has shown us as a good Father, and we in turn strive to love Him, and others indiscriminately and well. This means we treat others the way we would want to be treated, having learnt to humbly love who we are created to be in Christ. Generosity and kindness are expressions of this love.
Glorify God
We seek to glorify, worship and praise God in all we do, even in the seemingly mundane chores of life. We rejoice in the Lord, and are expectant of Him as we diligently seek Him, His kingdom and righteousness.
Empower & Encourage
The grace we have freely received, we freely share and encourage others by empowering them to walk in the fullness of who they are and what Jesus did for them.
We honour people and endeavour to see them as God sees them, acknowledging that we are ambassadors for Christ, all being transformed and growing into the fullness and stature of Christ
The Word Is Our Plumb Line
In all matters, we hold the Word of God correctly divided as our Plumb Line and final authority on matters. It is a rich source of Wisdom, in partnership with the Holy Spirit. We apply the principles of our Christian worldview to all we do, throughout the program, and in our daily lives.
Purity, Family & Community
We love the holy picture of marriage in the Bible of a male husband, and female wife, an image of Christ and His church. We believe in the covenant before God that marriage represents, the idea of a faithful, safe and loving environment for children to be raised in. Community centred around Christ and His church is a spiritual extension of the greater family of God, where His children commune together with God and each other. We believe that children are a heritage from the Lord.
Lead Through Serving
We serve and submit to one another in brotherly love, as unto Christ. We model and demonstrate what we want others to do.
Walk With Integrity & Authenticity
In good times or bad times, in success or failure, our integrity is extremely important, and needs to be protected in the fear of the Lord. Our call to a moral and holy life, not just outwardly, but in matters of the heart is critical to our walk with God and mankind. Authenticity is a form of honesty, and honesty towards oneself and others is important. This includes owning our mistakes and repentance – all play a part in this journey, knowing that nothing is hidden from God.
We are stewards of the King and His Kingdom, and we are called to use our God-given time, talents, and resources wisely. We are also called to care for God’s creation, and discern what is true and right in the eyes of God, and not man alone.
Work With Excellence
We believe in trying your best, continually learning and growing, and exceeding expectations as much as possible. Our work is as unto the Lord, and should be our best effort. We are humble enough to ask for help when we need it, and to learn from our mistakes, so as not to repeat them.
Authentic Relationship
We are confident in our identity and don’t need to try and be something or someone that we are not. We value honest, authentic relationships.
We are a Spirit-filled, Biblical Christian organisation and program, built around the call of Christ and the person of Jesus Christ, through a fun, authentic lifestyle based approach to discipleship. Our program builds around outdoor adventure activities, character, team, leadership development and vocational skills training, but our focus is on the Person of Jesus Christ.
Holy Spirit Led
We love God’s abiding presence, and are intentional to give Him time and space to help, comfort, lead, teach and fellowship with us. We partner with the Holy Spirit in all we do, especially prayer and worship. We seek His counsel and wisdom and listen for His voice and function through His gifts in us. We meditate on God’s word in His presence, and walk by faith and not sight in boldness and the power of the Holy Spirit to be a witness for Christ and the Gospel.
Outdoor Adventure Lifestyle
We encourage our teams to build lifelong memories by experiencing the outdoors as often as possible. This could be sitting in a sunbeam overlooking the forest, listening to the cacophony of birds singing, or running on the endless kilometres of golden beaches on our doorstep. Surfing, trail running, camping, hiking, mountain biking, paddling or sitting around a bonfire at night worshiping and staring at the stars. No matter where your comfort zone is, we encourage you to enjoy spending time in the majesty of God’s beautiful creation. We encourage healthy physical lifestyle along with a healthy soul and mind.

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