We facilitate a personal development gap year program for young adults, built around transformative lifestyle discipleship, vocation and life skills, and team adventure experiences, helping them become the leaders of tomorrow with faith and a Biblical Kingdom worldview.

Hosted on a coastal retreat, in the beautiful holiday destination of Victoria Bay, George in the world renowned Garden Route of South Africa.

A Kingdom Discipleship and Personal Development Program

Transformative discipleship, personal development, leadership and life skills equipping are so critical in the times we are in. Pathfinder-Impact Gap Year Program is born out of a desire to impact 18 to 24 year olds, to go and impact further generations by igniting the full potential of who they are in Christ and then sending them into the seven mountains of culture, empowered and grounded in traditional values and character as light and salt to the world. We look at practical applications of faith in a modern world through lifestyle, and encourage debate around this, along with worldview, apologetics, and round table discussions. We love interaction and participation as part of the growth, communication and leadership training.

Our goal is to see future leaders and families impacted by your investment in this generation, to restore traditional Christian values and culture, but with an empowered, modern, fun approach, in a safe environment. Our licensed curriculum has been developed and run for over 20 years, and is well established as a leading program using the Prothesis Blueprint.

We help develop and encourage our students to grow strong character, identity and understanding of purpose, while building resilience and strength to stand against unhealthy pressures in culture, society, online or through peers. Students will also be taught in various key Biblical topics such as sharing the Gospel, missions, prayer and quiet times, gifts from God, and the practical application of this as a Christian lifestyle.

  • Healthy Character Development
  • Lifestyle approach to Biblical Discipleship & Growth in Faith
  • Leadership Development
  • Vocational & Life Skills Equipping
  • Fun Adventure & Travel Experiences
  • Peer & Team Dynamics Experience
  • Healthy Lifestyle Choices Around Traditional Values
  • Clarity and Discovery of Identity, Calling, Passion & Purpose
  • Encouragement, Coaching & Building Self-confidence
  • Destiny & Freedom Encounter
  • Healthy Relationships – Friends & Family

A Leadership and Vocational Skills Program

We believe that being equipped with practical skills and tools to help with career paths is vital to the program, and our team has extensive experience in many industries and leadership roles.

  • Confidently lead through serving and be light in a dark world
  • Learn how to have healthy boundaries, communication skills, manage conflict resolution, negotiate and other principles
  • Navigate the times and discern what is true and what is of true value, understanding worldviews and key philosophical questions
  • Learn social and emotional intelligence skills, empathy, team dynamics, critical thinking, creative problem solving, strategic planning, project and time management
  • Learn practical entrepreneurship
  • Assess your personality types, gifts, skills, and learn about leadership styles and career navigation.

With Team Building, Outdoor Adventure and Travel Experiences

Broadening perspectives and experiencing life in nature, while hiking, or on our 12 night bus tour from Cape Town to Addo is not only about fun, but building rich, positive memories, and learning to appreciate our beautiful country. Discovering the peace and presence of God in nature or enjoying the rush of adrenaline (for some) is such a wonderful opportunity. Learning to live a healthy lifestyle, and being aware of our Eco challenges to preserve the beauty of our natural heritage for generations to come is so important.

Pathfinder-Impact Gap Year Program facilitates getting out into our parks, rivers, forests, beaches, and mountains to enjoy God’s creation, while learning about our eco-systems and wildlife. Traveling and experiencing different cultures is a great gift to have in life, and we facilitate basic cross cultural learning from a missions perspective. Team building and camps, with purpose run programs are a core part of the program, lots of fun and a great way to apply the learnt skills in leadership and communication. Building strong friendships is forged through these experiences, helping develop peer relationship skills.

Program Highlights:

Pathfinder-Impact Gap Year Program - Learn to Lead Well

Learn to Lead Well

Pathfinder-Impact Gap Year Program - Fun Adventure & Travel, team building, bus tour

Fun Adventure & Travel

Pathfinder-Impact Gap Year Program - Meet Awesome People - have fun

Meet Awesome People

Pathfinder-Impact Gap Year Program - Find Your Purpose

Find Your Purpose

Pathfinder-Impact Gap Year Program - Build Confidence

Build Confidence

Pathfinder-Impact Gap Year Program - Discover Who You Are - your identity

Discover Who You Are

Download the Pathfinder-Impact Prospectus

Your Journey Starts Here!

Ready for the best year of your life? Find out how Pathfinder-Impact can be your next step. Schedule a conversation with our team.

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